Community Events
This page will list and link to ongoing news and happenings within the community. Please visit often...
To inquire about living in Belmar Gardens, please call the property manager listed under the "Board of Directors" Tab. Applications can be found under the "Forms and Documents" tab above.
We are a community that takes pride in our neighborhood, not only to keep up property values, but for our own personal satisfaction. We also take great pride in our friendliness and the willingness of neighbors to help each other.
To inquire about living in Belmar Gardens, please call the property manager listed under the "Board of Directors" Tab. Applications can be found under the "Forms and Documents" tab above.
We are a community that takes pride in our neighborhood, not only to keep up property values, but for our own personal satisfaction. We also take great pride in our friendliness and the willingness of neighbors to help each other.
You can access Aishel Real Estate's website page to pay your carrying charges by going to the Board of Directors, Property Manager tab above and click on the "Tenant Web Access" link. Carrying charges are subject to change if necessary. The next Annual Shareholders' Meeting for 2024 will be Announced at a future date. Due to Covid 19, again our meeting may be held through Zoom online. You will receive instructions on how to join the meeting. The meetings are held in December because our fiscal year ends October 31st and there needs to be 60 days between the end of the fiscal year and the Annual Meeting.. Please be aware that the street belongs to the City of Pittsburgh and we have No Control over who can park there. We are asking that neighbors be courteous and mindful of the shareholders who have no driveways and need to park on the street. In regards to the handicap markings in front of homes, they were requested from the City of Pittsburgh and placed there by the City of Pittsburgh. Please anticipate an email in the next 2 weeks about unit inspections. Bill and I will send out a schedule for Shareholders to sign up on the best date for them. These will be scheduled from June-October 2024. These inspections are not to invade your privacy, but to ensure community preservation. Neglected items cost the community money and with the amount of water damage we've found in units, we have to become proactive. While these inspections are mandatory, they are also in the best interest of the community. FALL IS HERE! Hopefully you are beginning to harvest your crops. Soon our flowers will no longer bloom and it will be time to turn your outside water faucet off. Remember to turn it off inside your basement also. We have had many pipes burst in the Winter because a shareholder did not turn the water off from the outside and inside. If you do not know where it is or you cannot reach it, please call the management company to help you. West Nile Virus is still around. Allegheny County Health Department officials urge the public to protect themselves from mosquitoes by getting rid of standing water in yards and neighborhoods, making sure that open windows and doors have screens, using insect repellent on exposed skin and minimizing time spent outdoors, especially at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active. VOTE!!! Register to vote if you already haven't You can get voting information at This election is very critical and your vote is needed! The General Election day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024. We vote for president this year and remember that senators and representatives and County and City officials matter also. This is how communities get money allocated and laws are made that affect you! _ Zone 5 police can be contacted at 412-665-3605 for non-emergencies. 911 can be used for anything that you need the police for immediately. Please remember, according to Belmar Gardens Rules and Regulations, anyone over 18 who moves into your unit must pass a criminal and background check. Remember, the responsibility for Belmar lies on all of us, not just the Board members. Help do your part in keeping Belmar safe and liveable! If you have information to share with the community, please see one of the Board Members assigned to your unit or any Board Member. RECYCLE TRASH CANS Recently, the City of Pittsburgh delivered recycling cans to your home for your use. Please move and store your recycling can at the rear of your home, along with your other trash cans. All trash and recycling cans must be kept at the rear of your home. Fines will occur for any trash and recycling cans left in the front of your house after garbage day. If you are unable to physically move your trash to and from the back of your home, you may be able to apply for a medical exemption through the City of Pittsburgh to have the refuse workers pick up your trash from the back of your home. To do this, call the City of Pittsburgh’s hotline, by dialing 311. Ask for a medical exemption form to be mailed to you along with instructions on completing the form. As of 2023, the City of Pittsburgh will fine residents who don't put their recycle items in the recycle cans. Recycle cans will be picked up every other week. Collection schedules for 2024 have been mailed out by the City of Pittsburgh. You can get a copy of the schedule online at to print the schedule for the Central and Eastern Side or by calling 412-255-2773 or 412-255-2631.
PWSA - PGH H20 Customer Portal
As many residents have been concerned about the high cost of their water bill, we would like to let you know that you are able to monitor your own water usage through the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) website. An instructional flyer was mailed out to you. Please check with the water company if you need more instruction. What are you doing to improve the community? Think of the value that diversity brings to a community, building strong leaders and helping each other work together to achieve great things! Resources Many of our residents are struggling through this difficult time. Please note the information below if it can help you in anyway. The Lincoln Park Community Center Food Pantry will operate as a drive-up pantry. They have made these changes in hopes of reducing the risk of COVID exposure as well as to aid with the reduced volunteer staffing. All food pantry patrons will receive a standard selection of available food and paper good items. There will be a limit of 2 “families” per vehicle. The drive up food pantry is held on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Lincoln Park Community Center 7300 Ridgeview Avenue Penn Hills PA 15235 PH: (412) 441-6150 Wilkinsburg also has a food pantry. |
Neighborhood Community Updates
SCHOOL IS STARTING. PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF THAT AND SLOW DOWN WHEN DRIVING THROUGH BELMAR! Children play throughout Belmar gardens. Please be mindful of that. Please encourage your friends and family of this also. It is your community and we must keep it and our children safe.
The Health Department reminds all county residents to avoid contact with wild animals or animals they do not know. Residents should have their pets vaccinated, and watch for unusual behavior. Rabies is a virus transmitted by an animal bite or scratch. It is almost always fatal when exposure is left untreated. The rabies vaccine is highly effective when given promptly after an exposure, but is still a major expense and inconvenience that can be avoided. The best prevention is to avoid stray animals, wild animals or those acting strangely as they can be potentially rabid.
LOCK YOUR CAR DOORS! It is still happening. Please be diligent about locking your doors. It has happened to many shareholders. Thieves are checking car doors at night and daytime and stealing personal belongings. If at any time you see someone or something suspicious, please call the police and report the incident AND report it to the Board on the “Contact Us” section of the website or to your Board Member Representative. You can also call Aishel Real Estate to report it.
DOGS AND OTHER PETS – All dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. Please carry a pooper scooper to clean up when walking your dog. If you see a dog without a leash, please report it to Animal Control and to Aishel Real Estate Company or the "Violation Reporting Form" in this website. The violator(s) will receive fines from both places.
PLEASE REMEMBER-PARKING IN THE COMMON DRIVEWAYS IS PROHIBITED. Parking against the fences in the back of units is also prohibited. This restricts your neighbor from maneuvering in or out of their garages. This will be enforced and fines attributed to the shareholder. If you see this happening, please report it to Aishel Real Estate or on the Belmar website.
PARKING ON THE ONE SIDE OF THE STREET, ON THE GRASSY AREAS, OR UP ON THE CURBS IS PROHIBITED. It causes problems for buses to get through and concreting the sidewalks is a costly expense to all shareholders of Belmar Gardens. If you see this happening, please call the police and then report it either to Aishel Real Estate or the "Violation Reporting Form" in this website.
All units should plan an escape plan with your family in case of fire.
The Health Department reminds all county residents to avoid contact with wild animals or animals they do not know. Residents should have their pets vaccinated, and watch for unusual behavior. Rabies is a virus transmitted by an animal bite or scratch. It is almost always fatal when exposure is left untreated. The rabies vaccine is highly effective when given promptly after an exposure, but is still a major expense and inconvenience that can be avoided. The best prevention is to avoid stray animals, wild animals or those acting strangely as they can be potentially rabid.
LOCK YOUR CAR DOORS! It is still happening. Please be diligent about locking your doors. It has happened to many shareholders. Thieves are checking car doors at night and daytime and stealing personal belongings. If at any time you see someone or something suspicious, please call the police and report the incident AND report it to the Board on the “Contact Us” section of the website or to your Board Member Representative. You can also call Aishel Real Estate to report it.
DOGS AND OTHER PETS – All dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. Please carry a pooper scooper to clean up when walking your dog. If you see a dog without a leash, please report it to Animal Control and to Aishel Real Estate Company or the "Violation Reporting Form" in this website. The violator(s) will receive fines from both places.
PLEASE REMEMBER-PARKING IN THE COMMON DRIVEWAYS IS PROHIBITED. Parking against the fences in the back of units is also prohibited. This restricts your neighbor from maneuvering in or out of their garages. This will be enforced and fines attributed to the shareholder. If you see this happening, please report it to Aishel Real Estate or on the Belmar website.
PARKING ON THE ONE SIDE OF THE STREET, ON THE GRASSY AREAS, OR UP ON THE CURBS IS PROHIBITED. It causes problems for buses to get through and concreting the sidewalks is a costly expense to all shareholders of Belmar Gardens. If you see this happening, please call the police and then report it either to Aishel Real Estate or the "Violation Reporting Form" in this website.
All units should plan an escape plan with your family in case of fire.
IN THE NEWSWe ask for your prayers for the families in our community who have passed away and to those families who have lost loved ones, we extend our sincerest condololences.
To all those sick and shut in at home or otherwise, you and your family are in our prayers for healing and swift recovery. |
Belmar In Print